Most of us have never experienced not being free. We have experienced laws and rules that shape our freedom of choice, but we have always been free to live where we want, go to school where we want, and work where we want. What a valuable gift! It is shameful we don't recognize on a daily or moment by moment basis how precious this gift of freedom really is.
I was meeting with Heritage this past month, and I asked him about life in the Congo. He told me brief stories of life in a region where discriminatory boundaries were the norm. Those known as Congolese Tutsi were persecuted and injured, many killed - life for them was not free. He mentioned being forced to be a child soldier - he was not free.
Now, after living in America for a few years, it must at times be overwhelming to witness those who unknowingly take their freedom for granted. I think if it was me, I would want to shout, "Wake up America, see what you have. Cherish it, embrace it, realize that what you have is what others only dream and pray for!"
Please, don't let life carry on without understanding the power and price of freedom. Use your freedom to help those in bondage. Thank someone, perhaps a military person or someone who participated in the civil rights movement, or even local activists who strive to free those in modern day slavery.
"Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility."~ Eleanor Roosevelt
"For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others. ~ Nelson Mandela
I was meeting with Heritage this past month, and I asked him about life in the Congo. He told me brief stories of life in a region where discriminatory boundaries were the norm. Those known as Congolese Tutsi were persecuted and injured, many killed - life for them was not free. He mentioned being forced to be a child soldier - he was not free.
Now, after living in America for a few years, it must at times be overwhelming to witness those who unknowingly take their freedom for granted. I think if it was me, I would want to shout, "Wake up America, see what you have. Cherish it, embrace it, realize that what you have is what others only dream and pray for!"
Please, don't let life carry on without understanding the power and price of freedom. Use your freedom to help those in bondage. Thank someone, perhaps a military person or someone who participated in the civil rights movement, or even local activists who strive to free those in modern day slavery.
"Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility."~ Eleanor Roosevelt
"For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others. ~ Nelson Mandela